Click on the Murals to view a larger,

more detailed version.


A Matter of Perception, © N.B. 1999
’Whether it is light of dark, positive or negative...Whether the cup is half full or half empty....Then life is either beautiful or not -It’s all a  Matter of Perception
       Size: 0.51m/0.76m (20"/30") unframed
          - Add 0.20m/0.20m (8"/8") for frame
Impact, © N.B. 1998

Life is precious and yours has many reasons,
Create strong footprints and leave them for eternity.
Don't float through life,
make an IMPACT
Size: 1.10m/0.74m (43"/29") unframed  
- Add 0.20m/0.20m (8"/8") for frame


Star Dust, © N.B. 1995


Abstract notion of a dark night embracing the red earth,
leaving a trail
of sparkling gold dust.
Size: 0.70m/0.92m (28"/37") unframed
   - Add 0.20m/0.20m (8"/8") for frame


Tiger Lane, © N.B. 1995
Tiger Lane”, a stretch along Victoria’s Coastline .....or a pass through the Alps?
The visual impression is different for each person.
This primarily suede piece combines blue, purple and  green with a classy thread of pink.
Size: 0.77m/0.77m (31"/31") unframed  
- Add 0.20m/0.20m (8"/8") for frame


Earth Shift, © N.B. 2000  (Horizontal)
Powerful forces shift the layers of soil - Sliding and adjusting to the changing climates and conditions...
Earth  Spirit, © N.B. 2000  (Vertical)
Pushed from two sides, rocks fold into mountains,
rising to unbreakable spirit....
Perhaps Earth Dwellers can learn from the example.
Size: 1.90m/0.38m or 76”/15”
add 0.20m/0.20m or 8”/8” for frame