- Believe,
© N.B.
Walk tall as the trees
- Live
strong as the mountains
- Be
gentle as the spring rains
- Keep
the warmth of the summer sun..
- in
your heart...
- and
the Great Spirit will always be with you.
- (American
Indian prayer)
- Size: 1.50m/0.65m
(59"/26") unframed
- - Add 0.20m/0.20m
(8"/8") for frame
- Imagine, © N.B. 1995
- Imagine a place such as this,
- where native birds roam free in
eternal sanctuary.
- Size: 1.83m/1.22m
(73"/49") unframed
- Add 0.20m/0.20m (8"/8") for frame
- In the Beginning, © N.B.
- How old is this magnificent rock
standing in the center of the desert?
- No one knows its secrets.
- What could he tell about times past?
- He will still stand and watch when
we are gone...
- Size: 0.60m/0.92m
(24"/37") unframed
- Add
0.20m/0.20m (8"/8") for frame
- Les
Fleurs, © N.B. 1995
- Flower fields forever.
- Created mainly with Napa cow hide,
- using a variety of brown, white,
purple and red tones.
- Size: 0.90m/0.41m
(36"/16") unframed
Add 0.20m/0.20m (8"/8") for frame
- Memories
Of The West, © N.B.
- Just
let nature take over and it will create
- the
most enchanting garden.
- Inspired
by the endless plains of Western Australian wildflowers.
- To
set up the real garden would most certainly have taken much less
time, than trying to persuade “Leather” to become
- Size: 1.22m/0.92m
(49"/37") unframed
- - Add
0.20m/0.20m (8"/8") for frame
- Morning
Dew, © N.B.1998
- Can
you see the young green tree,
- He
spreads his arms towards the sky,
- and
tells the world:
- “Look,
this is I!”
- Size: 0.33m/0.26m
(13"/10") unframed
- - Add
0.20m/0.20m (8"/8") for frame
- Night
in the High Country, © N.B.1998
- Open
skies under a full moon,
- warmth
near friends and glowing fire,
- rewards
of a day in the High Country.
- Size: 1.10m/0.74m
(44"/30") unframed
- - Add
0.20m/0.20m (8"/8") for frame
- Red
Road, © N.B. 1999
- (A
Tribute to Native Peoples)
- Yesterday
the last thing you saw was the setting sun and you have cried in
your sleep for a road soaked in blood.
- Dawn
broke the dream with another red sky, but this time it was streaked
with gold!
- A
new day is coming!
- Size:
0.45m/0.58m (18"/23") unframed
- Add 0.20m/0.20m (8"/8") for frame
- Silent Presence,
© N.B. 1996
- "I have lived a long time.
- Many souls have come and gone.
- But I knew that one day you would be
here... seeking the wisdom of my silent presence".
- Size: 0.80m/1.20m
(32"/48") unframed
- Add
0.20m/0.20m (8"/8") for frame
- Uluru,
© N.B.1996
- The
wide Australian sky lends a majestic aura to
- the
awesome sight of the world’s largest monolith.
- Orange
Napa was used as one of the numerous colors that make up Uluru,
- with
masses of blue suede for the soft blue sky.
- Size: 1.22m/0.84m
(49"/33") unframed
- Add 0.20m/0.20m (8"/8") for frame
- Ozone,
© N.B. 1995
- Breathe
in the fresh, clean mountain air as you look at “Ozone”.
- Feel
the crisp winter morning .....
- hear
the clear water flowing from the source ..... see the white snow
on the mountain tops .....
- Size: 1.83m/1.22m
(73"/49") unframed
- -
Add 0.20m/0.20m (8"/8") for frame
- The Source, © N.B. 1996
- Hidden somewhere is the source of
- Several months elapsed endeavoring to
perfect the flow of the waterfall...
- To give it a voice...
- so that the observer could see and
perhaps listen to the cool, clear water rushing through the lush,
dense foliage.
- Size: 0.61m/0.92m
(24"/37") unframed
- Add
0.20m/0.20m (8"/8") for frame